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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Intelegent Copilot For Car : Semiautonomous system takes the wheel to keep drivers safe

Barrels and cones dot an open field in Saline, Mich., forming an obstacle course for a modified vehicle. A driver remotely steers the vehicle through the course from a nearby location as a researcher looks on. Occasionally, the researcher instructs the driver to keep the wheel straight — a trajectory that appears to put the vehicle on a collision course with a barrel. Despite the driver’s actions, the vehicle steers itself around the obstacle, transitioning control back to the driver once the danger has passed.

The key to the maneuver is a new semiautonomous safety system developed by Sterling Anderson, a PhD student in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Karl Iagnemma, a principal research scientist in MIT’s Robotic Mobility Group.


The system uses an onboard camera and laser rangefinder to identify hazards in a vehicle’s environment. The team devised an algorithm to analyze the data and identify safe zones — avoiding, for example, barrels in a field, or other cars on a roadway. The system allows a driver to control the vehicle, only taking the wheel when the driver is about to exit a safe zone.

Anderson, who has been testing the system in Michigan since last September, describes it as an “intelligent co-pilot” that monitors a driver’s performance and makes behind-the-scenes adjustments to keep the vehicle from colliding with obstacles, or within a safe region of the environment, such as a lane or open area.

“The real innovation is enabling the car to share [control] with you,” Anderson says. “If you want to drive, it’ll just … make sure you don’t hit anything.”

The group presented details of the safety system recently at the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium in Spain.

Off the beaten path

Robotics research has focused in recent years on developing systems — from cars to medical equipment to industrial machinery — that can be controlled by either robots or humans. For the most part, such systems operate along preprogrammed paths.

As an example, Anderson points to the technology behind self-parking cars. To parallel park, a driver engages the technology by flipping a switch and taking his hands off the wheel. The car then parks itself, following a preplanned path based on the distance between neighboring cars.

While a planned path may work well in a parking situation, Anderson says when it comes to driving, one or even multiple paths is far too limiting.

“The problem is, humans don’t think that way,” Anderson says. “When you and I drive, [we don’t] choose just one path and obsessively follow it. Typically you and I see a lane or a parking lot, and we say, ‘Here is the field of safe travel, here’s the entire region of the roadway I can use, and I’m not going to worry about remaining on a specific line, as long as I’m safely on the roadway and I avoid collisions.’”

Anderson and Iagnemma integrated this human perspective into their robotic system. The team came up with an approach to identify safe zones, or “homotopies,” rather than specific paths of travel. Instead of mapping out individual paths along a roadway, the researchers divided a vehicle’s environment into triangles, with certain triangle edges representing an obstacle or a lane’s boundary.

The researchers devised an algorithm that “constrains” obstacle-abutting edges, allowing a driver to navigate across any triangle edge except those that are constrained. If a driver is in danger of crossing a constrained edge — for instance, if he’s fallen asleep at the wheel and is about to run into a barrier or obstacle — the system takes over, steering the car back into the safe zone.

Building trust

So far, the team has run more than 1,200 trials of the system, with few collisions; most of these occurred when glitches in the vehicle’s camera failed to identify an obstacle. For the most part, the system has successfully helped drivers avoid collisions.

Benjamin Saltsman, manager of intelligent truck vehicle technology and innovation at Eaton Corp., says the system has several advantages over fully autonomous variants such as the self-driving cars developed by Google and Ford. Such systems, he says, are loaded with expensive sensors, and require vast amounts of computation to plan out safe routes.

"The implications of [Anderson's] system is it makes it lighter in terms of sensors and computational requirements than what a fully autonomous vehicle would require," says Saltsman, who was not involved in the research. "This simplification makes it a lot less costly, and closer in terms of potential implementation."

In experiments, Anderson has also observed an interesting human response: Those who trust the system tend to perform better than those who don’t. For instance, when asked to hold the wheel straight, even in the face of a possible collision, drivers who trusted the system drove through the course more quickly and confidently than those who were wary of the system.

And what would the system feel like for someone who is unaware that it’s activated? “You would likely just think you’re a talented driver,” Anderson says. “You’d say, ‘Hey, I pulled this off,’ and you wouldn’t know that the car is changing things behind the scenes to make sure the vehicle remains safe, even if your inputs are not.”

He acknowledges that this isn’t necessarily a good thing, particularly for people just learning to drive; beginners may end up thinking they are better drivers than they actually are. Without negative feedback, these drivers can actually become less skilled and more dependent on assistance over time. On the other hand, Anderson says expert drivers may feel hemmed in by the safety system. He and Iagnemma are now exploring ways to tailor the system to various levels of driving experience.

The team is also hoping to pare down the system to identify obstacles using a single cellphone. “You could stick your cellphone on the dashboard, and it would use the camera, accelerometers and gyro to provide the feedback needed by the system,” Anderson says. “I think we’ll find better ways of doing it that will be simpler, cheaper and allow more users access to the technology.”

This research was supported by the United States Army Research Office and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The experimental platform was developed in collaboration with Quantum Signal LLC with assistance from James Walker, Steven Peters and Sisir Karumanchi.

Source : Jennifer, MIT News Office

Heavy Equipment Safety : Toolbox Meeting

Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date________


Operation of heavy equipment such as excavators, loaders, graders, rollers, and bulldozers, should always be done by highly skilled operators who have demonstrated the ability and necessary skills to operate safely. Ground-based workers should be trained in how to work safely around the equipment, and how to stay clear. Unsafe practices by either the operator or those around the equipment can create very dangerous situations. Serious injuries can occur if the equipment strikes a worker, or if the equipment is rolled over.

Here are a few common safety rules for operators and ground based workers to consider:

1) Good communication is essential. A standardized set of hand signals should be used by the operator and signal person. Operators should always know exactly where all ground based workers are located, and the wearing of high visibility vests will help the operator to locate them quickly. The equipment should have a back up warning alarm that can be heard by all nearby workers. Two-way radios are also valuable communication tools.

2) Heavy equipment must have a rollover protective structure (ROPS) meeting OSHA requirements. The ROPS is designed to protect the operator if the machine tips over. A seat belt must be worn so that the operator will not be thrown out of the seat during a rollover or upset situation. If working on slopes, try to avoid moving across the face of the slope. Try to operate up and down the slope face if possible. Use extreme caution when operating near open excavations.

3) Wear hearing protection when required. If it has been determined that noise levels around the equipment could potentially cause hearing loss, always use protective plugs or muffs when working on or around the equipment.

4) Never jump onto or off the equipment. Operators should always use the three-point contact rule when climbing onto or off heavy equipment. The three-point rule means having both feet and one hand, or one foot and both hands in contact with the ladder access at all times.

5) Inspect and service the equipment regularly. Complete equipment service in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Periodic safety inspections on all components of the equipment should be done regularly by qualified personnel. Inspect the steering system and brake systems carefully. A pre-shift walk around inspection by the operator is highly recommended.

Injury accidents involving heavy equipment on construction sites have a higher probability of resulting in a fatality than many other types of accidents. It is critical to follow all of your company's safety rules and procedures when operating or working around heavy equipment.

Safety Recommendations:__________________________________________________________________________________

Job Specific Topics:_______________________________________________________________________________________

M.S.D.S Reviewed:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Attended By:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Safety Biker : When To Replace A Helmet / Safety Tips 007


  • Did you crash it? Replace immediately. 
  • Did you drop it hard enough to crack the foam? 
  • Replace. Is it from the 1970's? Replace. Is the outside just foam or cloth instead of plastic? Replace.
  • Does it lack a CPSC, ASTM or Snell sticker inside? Replace. 
  • Can you not adjust it to fit correctly? Replace!!

Did you crash in it?
For starters, most people are aware that you must replace a helmet after any crash where your head hit. The foam part of a helmet is made for one-time use, and after crushing once it is no longer as protective as it was, even if it still looks intact. Bear in mind that if the helmet did its job most people would tell you that they did not even hit their head, or did not hit their head that hard. And the thin shells on most helmets now tend to hide any dents in the foam. But if you can see marks on the shell or measure any foam crush at all, replace the helmet. (Helmets made of EPP foam do recover, but there are few EPP helmets on the market. Yours is EPS or EPU unless otherwise labeled.)

You can also crack the helmet foam or damage it by dropping the helmet on a hard surface. The cracks may be small and hard to see, so you need to look carefully. Cracks in the foam always require replacement of the helmet.

You may be reluctant to replace a helmet that looks almost as good as new, but if you did hit, you don't want to take chances on where you will hit next time. If the foam is cracked under the thin shell, it will be more likely to fly apart in your next crash. Many manufacturers will replace crashed helmets for a nominal fee, and most will also inspect crashed helmets to see if they need replacement. Call them if you are in doubt. For contact info check our list of manufacturers. (You can also ask them if they think the advice on this page is valid!} Is it from the 70's?

If you still have a helmet from the 70's without a styrofoam liner, replace it immediately. That would include the Skidlid (with spongy foam), 1970's Pro-tec (spongy foam), Brancale (no foam) and all leather "hairnets." They just did not have the protection of helmets made after 1984 when the ANSI standard swept the junk off the market.

The better 1970's helmets were reasonably good ones, but were not quite up to current standards. It is probably time to replace that old Bell Biker, Bailen, MSR, Supergo or similar model from the 70's or early 80's. (We have a page up on replacing the Bell Biker.) The hard shells were great, but the foam liners were not thick enough to meet today's ASTM or Snell standard. The Bell V-1 Pro was designed to today's standards, but the foam is very stiff, and if you are over 65 you probably should replace that too. If you have one of the 1980's all-foam helmets with perhaps a cloth cover, we would recommend replacing that one. Lab tests showed some years ago that bare foam doesn't skid well on pavement, and could jerk your neck in a crash. The cloth doesn't help much. In addition, some of them had no internal reinforcing, and they tend to break up in a crash. That's not serious if you just fall, but if you are hit by a car the helmet can fly apart in the initial contact and leave you bare-headed for the crack on the pavement.

Is it newer? With what standards sticker inside?

Newer helmets from the late 1980's and the 90's may or may not need replacement. First look to see what standards sticker is inside. If it's ASTM or Snell, the helmet was designed to meet today's standards for impact protection, and you may even find that Consumer Reports tested it in one of their articles. Most manufacturers now recommend that helmets be replaced after five years, but some of that may be just marketing. (Bell now recommends every three years, which seems to us too short. They base it partially on updating your helmet technology, but they have not been improving their helmets that much over three year periods, and we consider some of their helmets since the late 1990's to be a step backwards, so we would take that with a grain of salt.) Deterioration depends on usage, care, and abuse. But if you ride thousands of miles every year, five years may be a realistic estimate of helmet life. And helmets have actually been improving enough over time to make it a reasonable bet that you can find a better one than you did five years ago. It may fit better, look better, and in some cases may even be more protective. For an alternate view that agrees with the manufacturers, check out the helmet FAQ of the Snell Foundation. Snell knows a lot about helmets and their views on this subject should not be dismissed lightly, even though we disagree with them.
Occasionally somebody spreads rumors that sweat and ultraviolet (UV) exposure will cause your helmet to degrade. Sweat will not do that. The standards do not permit manufacturers to make a helmet that degrades from sweat, and the EPS, EPP or EPU foam is remarkably unaffected by salt water. Your helmet will get a terminal case of grunge before it dies of sweat. Sunlight can affect the strength of the shell material, though. Since helmets spend a lot of time in the sun, manufacturers usually put UV inhibitors in the plastic for their shells that control UV degradation. If your helmet is fading or showing small cracks around the vents, the UV inhibitors may be failing, so you probably should replace it. Chances are it has seen an awful lot of sun to have that happen. Otherwise, try another brand next time and let us know what brand faded on you.
At least one shop told a customer that the EPS in his three year old helmet was now "dried out." Other sales people refer to "outgassing" and say that the foam loses gas and impact performance is affected. Still others claim that helmets lose a percentage of their effectiveness each year, with the percentage growing with age. All of that is nothing but marketing hype to sell a replacement helmet before you need it. There is some loss of aromatics in the first hours and days after molding, and helmet designers take account of that for standards testing. But after that the foam stabilizes and does not change for many years, unless the EPS is placed in an oven for some period of time and baked. The interior of your car, for example, will not do that, based on helmets we have seen and at least one lab crash test of a helmet always kept in a car in Virginia over many summers. Helmet shells can be affected by car heat, but not the foam. The Snell Memorial Foundation has tested motorcycle helmets held in storage for more than 20 years and found that they still meet the original standard. EPS is a long-lived material little affected by normal environmental factors. Unless you mistreat it we would not expect it to "dry out" enough to alter its performance for many years.

An honest manufacturer: MET

The Italian company MET says in their 2010 catalog: "We are often asked 'For how long is a helmet safe?', or 'how often should I replace my helmet?”' Until now it has been difficult to find any reliable figures to help answer these queries. MET have now developed a series of tests which are conducted on aged helmets to determine a 'best before' date (unless the helmet is involved in an accident. In that case it should be replaced immediately.). The results indicate that, if used properly accordingly to our owner manual, our helmets will still do their job up to eight years after they have been made. Not only is that good news for the customer, it’s great news for the environment!"

We applaud MET for undertaking an actual testing program on helmet life and for making that statement. We regard it as a triumph of integrity over marketing. MET's helmets are made with industry standard shells and liners, so there is no reason we can see that their recommendation should not be good for many other helmet brands as well. If another manufacturer comes up with a testing program that shows earlier deterioration in the protection from their products we will review this page.

In sum, we don't find the case for replacing a helmet that meets the ASTM or Snell standards that compelling if the helmet is still in good shape and fits you well. Are you using it for non-bicycle activities?

Since 2003 helmets have been available that are actually certified to skateboard or ski standards as well as the CPSC bicycle helmet standard. If you are using a bicycle helmet for skateboarding or any other sport where you crash regularly, see our writeup on helmets for the current season for more info on that.

Otherwise, we would recommend buying another helmet designed for the activity you are pursuing, whether or not you replace your bike helmet. We have more on that subject on our page on other helmets. Note that most "skate-style" helmets currently on the market are actually bicycle helmets certified only to the CPSC bicycle helmet standard. They have CPSC stickers inside, but no ASTM Skateboard standard sticker. Do you still like wearing it?

Your helmet is of course a piece of wearing apparel as well as a safety appliance. If you consider yourself a stylish rider and your helmet is not as spiffy as the new ones, go for it. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, and if you do, fashion is a valid reason to replace a helmet.
Is it a better helmet than the ones available today?

As new styles have become more "squared-off" and designers have begun adding unnecessary ridges and projections that may increase the sliding resistance of a helmet shell, there is good reason to stay with one of the more rounded designs of the early to mid 90's. Those round, smooth shells like the original Bell Image that Consumer Reports rated highly in 1993 are more optimal for crashing than some of the newer designs. So think twice about "moving up," and look for a rounded, smooth-shelled design when you do. We have a lot of info on the new ones up on our page on helmets for the current season.
Inspecting a Helmet
We have a page up with step by step instructions on how to inspect a helmet.

Safety Bicycle Helmet Inspection For Biker 03


You need to look at the helmet's main elements: Outside Shell

The exterior plastic of a helmet is important to hold it together in a crash. Look first for cracks or abrasion on the surface that show evidence of an impact. Even if you think the helmet has never been impacted, look carefully. Many riders don't know they hit their head. Small cracks around the edges or anywhere else on the shell indicate aging and a need to replace.

Press carefully all over the helmet to see if you get a "beer can" effect where the shell can be pushed in and it pops back. Most cheap helmets show some of that when new, but that should be all over the helmet, and very little. If the shell dents more than a little bit, that indicates crushed foam underneath, and a need to replace. If there is crushed foam you would usually see abrasion of the shell where it indents. Note that more expensive helmets that are molded in the shell should have no beer can effect whatsoever. With those helmets any flat spot on helmet surfaces that were formerly curved would indicate damage.

Check the shell color for fading. The helmet below was ridden across the US by Brian Hanson. It was vibrant yellow when he started. With constant sun exposure it faded badly, probably from lack of sufficient UV inhibitors in the plastic. If your helmet fades, the plastic has probably become brittle, and it should be replaced. Brian replaced his.


Remove the fitting pads if they come out, and inspect the styrofoam liner carefully for any signs of cracks or compressed foam. If in doubt about a spot on the helmet, measure the foam thickness and that of an identical spot on the other side, or if you have another helmet of the same model and size, use that. If you discover any cracked or crushed foam, replace the helmet. Remember that EPS liners do recover some of the crushed thickness, but the foam that was compressed will not perform well in the next hit. Even if you find no damage, if you know the helmet has taken an impact you should replace it. The damage can be difficult to identify even with careful measuring.

If you have one of the few bike helmets with an EPP (Expanded PolyPropylene) or other multi-impact liner, do the inspection as described above anyway. EPP recovers, but not 100%. In time if you crash more than once you will find foam damage and need to replace your helmet.

Buckle and Strap

Check the straps on the helmet for signs of wear, and replace if they seem worn, faded or any of the stitching is beginning to fail. Salt accumulations should be washed out before inspection. Check the buckle and replace if you see any missing parts. The plastic blades that lock into the female side of most buckles can break. The buckle will hold together weakly with one blade, but will fail in a crash.

Rear Stabilizer

The rear stabilizer on many of today's helmets is not really part of the retention system that holds the helmet on the head, but a means of adding some stability for comfort. It should still be inspected for structural integrity and to be sure the adjustment is working. Stretching or tugging it with moderate force will usually tell you that.

Standards Sticker

Some older helmets had impact protection as good as anything on the market today. If yours has a CPSC, ASTM or Snell sticker in it and passes the other inspection points, it is probably still a good helmet. If is is older than that, it should be replaced.

More on replacement

We have a page up on when you need to replace a helmet, with more detail on what makes it necessary.


In addition to cleaning a helmet when it is returned, the inspection steps are critical for renting. Many riders will not tell you when they crash, or will not think they hit their heads. With experience the steps above can be quickly done, but you must remember to do them each time.


Here is the info on this page as a helmet inspection checklist. in .pdf format for printing out.

Biker Safety : Bicycle Night Visibility And Lights

The Question

>I was wondering about solutions for *BICYCLE* visibility at night.

The Response:

I have used many devices over the years, since I commuted for about 20 years and still ride a lot at night. I started with white bicycles, then tried 3M's glass bead reflective paint. It looked great under headlights but was dull otherwise. I am now using neon orange bikes, and may go to neon lime green. I think all of those approaches are improvements over a standard dark frame, since seeing a frame identifies the vehicle immediately as a bicycle, at least from the side and some other angles.

The concept you have to keep in mind is that you want to establish your identity as you catch the driver's eye so they know what you are. Motorcycle research shows that if you want to be seen on a motorcycle there is one thing that beats daytime headlights, orange vests, flags, big windshields or any other device -- be a cop! It turns out that drivers usually see a police motorcycle. We have asked motorcycle cops and they agreed, although there are exceptions. So you are not just trying to catch an eye. You are really trying to register on a driver's brain that you are a vehicle moving on the road, and establish that you are a bicycle so that the driver has some idea of what your speed and position on the roadway are likely to be. Often you are doing that in the midst of incredible urban light clutter from other vehicles, traffic signs, streetlights, commercial signage, porch lights, windows and many other sources.

For headlights I use a car light. Nothing makes a driver respond quicker, even in the midst of urban light clutter, since they are conditioned from childhood to look for oncoming cars, and at night that means they are looking for oncoming car lights. The little bike lights may be bright, but they look like a pinpoint, and can just get lost among all the other light sources in the background. Car lights have a cutoff beam that does not blind others on a trail, and puts the light on the roadway where you need it.

The nicads to run my car light were heavy and required charging every night, but they were cheap from surplus sources. For years I used D cells from power packs for an NEC 386 laptop. Then I converted to NiMH batteries, and tried using C cells due to the higher energy of NiMH cells, but went back to D cells eventually because the C's just did not seem to hold up and lost capacity. I used 11 (NiMH)or 12 (NiCad) cells rather than ten to provide extra voltage and keep the light bright. Again, the cheap NiMH D cells did not hold up that well in daily use, and I now have to charge that battery almost continuously to have it work. In the fall of 2006 I started phasing in a 5.5AH Powerizer Lithium Ion / Polymer battery that weighs 18 oz (500gr), puts out 14.7 volts for a very bright headlight and may melt down some day the way lithium cells sometimes do when cell protection circuits fail. The vendor says "for R&D use only and NOT for individual customers." I charge it in my bike parking area and use it while riding outdoors, so that's a concern but seems like a reasonable risk similar to those that laptop users are running. I am looking for one in the safer LiFePO4 chemistry that self-extinguishes if a protection circuit fails.

For tail lights I started with two leg lights, showing red to the rear and white to the front. Those have the advantage of going up and down, attracting attention and identifying the bike. But they are visible only on one side, so for a while I used two of them. I still use one sometimes as an identifier. I added yellow blinkers, starting with a 7 inch barricade light. Those are ideal for bikes, since they attract attention by the blink, have a big reflective band around them, and are identified in a car driver's mind with stationary objects on construction sites, so they grab a driver's attention. As with any blinking light, the blink saves a lot of electrical power, since the light is mostly off. The fresnel lens is very efficient, and the bulbs are designed to resist tremendous vibration from passing trucks. I run my 6 volt ones from a 9v alkaline cell or from NiMH AA or C cells. Their only disadvantage is the size and weight, but if you are still hung up on that you just have not ridden enough at night.

After the barricade light I added smaller yellow blinkers. The best was something called the Far Out Flasher, sold by Schwinn stores in the 80's and by the late Ed Kearny (Bicycle Lighting Systems). The Belt Beacon was another, and I used those on my helmet, mounted with Velcro, juiced up by adding chrome tape to make a reflector behind the bulb. Yellow is still the best color for a flasher, since the population is aging, and red eyesight gets dim as eyes age.

I have tried turn signals, but never felt that they were really recognized by the motorist. The rack-mounted ones are too close together to give much of a directional indication. I tried one back in the 1980's that attached to my wrist and blinked only when the arm was raised, but you would need two of those, and again I had no way to know if the motorist behind me knew what the blinker represented or not, since they had probably never seen one before. That idea was revived in 2008 and updated with LED's by Safe Turn in Australia. They seem to have disappeared, but others have new ones out.

Beginning about 1990 I added the now-standard red LED blinkers, since they had taken over as the light signature of a bicycle and that increases the probability of being identified early as a bike. I had one on my helmet, mounted with hook-and-loop. Their only problem is that they are too small, and to a driver small means far away, so the car may not realize how close you are. There are some improved LED lights out now, that I first saw at the September, 1999, Interbike show, including a Vista that has "wings" with 15 LED's in the center and five in each adjustable wing. Vista also has a standard size tail light with multiple LED's that is very bright, but costs $60 and is designed to plug into their rechargeable system. At the same show I bought a very large LED flasher being test-marketed at a Chinese exporter's booth designed for use by cars as an emergency road flasher, and packaged as a "Highway Safety Light." It is 4" x 6", and has 18 extremely bright LED's in three rows. It's called the Fast Field Model HW-18, and it cost me $10, probably the dealer price. The light runs on 4 AA cells, with a claimed life of "at least 25 hours" which is about what I get from it. It looks like the biggest, brightest led flasher you have ever seen. But it had no bike mount, so I had to make one from aluminum bar stock. I have one now on all the bikes we ride at night. It is heavy for an led light, at 9 oz. with the batteries. It was hard to find at first, since they are imported in car parts channels, but our local Target had them for while, and now there are at several sources on the Web. Not all of them are equal, and some are disappointly dim. One decent one is probably the Real Light by Necessary Options. It even comes with brackets for mounting on a bicycle.

In December of 2001 I got an email from an importer who claims that his product is not only the bright version but has bike mounts. It is sold only through bike stores, so you have to go to your local LBS and hope they have them. I don't know how to tell you how to distinguish the high output ones from the low output ones, so you are on your own.

I have replaced the incandescent blinking Far Out Flasher on my helmet with an Innova 24/7 led blinker. This is an octagonal light about 2" by 3" (50mm by 75mm) that velcros on well. It runs on a CR123 lithium primary cell. It is not approved for lithium rechargeables, but could run on two NiMH 1/5 AA cells. The CR123's are expensive in stores but cheap on the Web, and one lasts me for many night rides. The light has a rectangular LED area with a rotating switch that selects different blink patterns and colors of LEDs. I use the one that flashes rapid red then white then yellow and looks vaguely like a police car flasher.

I got a sample at Interbike of a single yellow led that screws onto a shraeder valve and goes around. It uses hearing aid batteries. Another one introduced in 2002 has flashier led blinkers, but they are smaller. Either model adds to rotating weight right at the rim and uses an expensive battery. Saw another good idea at Interbike--a string of LED's that you weave around the spoke nipples. They are doubled up, with one facing each side, and about 8 inches apart on the rim. When the wheel turns fast enough (over 15 mph) it creates a ring of fire. It runs on two AA cells in a holder zip-tied to the spokes near the hub. I installed mine on my night bike and it looked great! They were available from Mr. Happy's Galactic Tracers under the trade name RimLites, but I don't see their Web site any more. I had problems with the battery contacts, and the instructions say don't use it in the rain (!) Mine self-destructed when I got a stick in the spokes, and I am not using them any more. Somebody was also exhibiting a "Whale Tail" led blinker for helmets. I tried a small high-output red led flasher on my helmet to replace my old yellow Belt Beacon. It is attached with hook-and-loop. At present I am using an Inova 24/7 light on my helmet. It has red and white leds that blink in a very bright emergency light pattern, and runs happily for months on one CR2 photo battery.

In 2004 I sent for a Californeon helmet light. It's a neon-like band about a quarter inch (7mm) wide that goes around the helmet and sticks on with a 3M adhesive. The battery pack takes a 9 volt battery and clips on your belt. Looked ok in the basement shop, but the circuit board burned out in less than 10 minutes of use, and before I had a chance to see what it would look like outdoors.

In general, I believe in redundancy, with at least two of everything just like a car. Redundant filaments in my car headlight let me use the high beam with a handlebar trigger flasher as a warning or passing through short tunnels, and also would provide an emergency option if the low beam ever dies. (Car lights have a very long filament life.) Redundant tail lights are essential, since nobody has ever produced a completely reliable light for a bicycle. I also like to "layer" my tail lights, with one at the level of the wheel axle, one under the saddle, and one on the helmet. The more I observe about urban light clutter the more I favor big, big lights and lights that have a signature. You will find this concept better developed on Ken Kifer's Web page discussion of the Flashing Neon Light Display, although I would not favor his use of a diesel generator to power the array.

In 2010 the battery powering my car light failed once again and I bought a new Magicshine system from Geoman Gear. It is LED powered and uses a Soul P7 SSC LED with four led's on one die. The heat sinking is adequate, and it lights up the road. Unfortunately, it lights up a lot of other territory as well, and can blind people coming the other way if not adjusted carefully. On trails I push it downward when people approach. I use two of them. The original batteries were recalled, and I have the new replacement. If this light had a shaped beam with a sharp cutoff above the pavement it would be ideal.

Those who ride off road at night have found helmet-mounted lights useful. If you use one, be sure to mount it with hook-and-loop or the kind of breakaway mount developed by Jet Lites. And please don't flash your light in my eyes on a dark trail.

There is now a category of lights called LED flares. They are designed for traffic situations. They should be durable. I have not seen them in use yet.

Some things can help in addition to the active lights that you should primarily rely on. For reflectors I use the hottest 3M product I can lay my hands on to add reflectivity to pedals, shoes, cranks (flashes as the cranks go around), panniers, clothing, helmet, anywhere else. 3M markets a "snake" in Europe that weaves around the spoke nipples, and under headlights looks like a ring of white, identifying the bike immediately. The 3M demo video is very impressive. I am trying a similar product now from a company called Techflex. Their product is called Reflex, and was originally developed for electricians to make electrical cables in big buildings easy to find and trace. They sell it for brake cables, but other than adding a point of light I don't think that helps identify a bicycle very well. As a round circle in your wheel, however, it can be much more effective. I am using one on the front wheel of my night bike, but my panniers obstruct it in the rear.

You can find 3M Scotchlite in many local stores, but for their hotter stuff, you have to go to the Web to places like Itendi-tape. Be prepared to spend more, but the results are pretty impressive. I use it on helmets and some other spots, even though it adds only points, not an identifying signature.

Unfortunately, all reflective products depend on being in the beam of a headlight to have any light to reflect, so for a lot of situations they are not much help. But I frequently find that flashing pedal reflectors are my first warning that a cyclist without a headlight is approaching on a dark trail.

Flags are great for daytime. I use two on my recumbent. One has a blinking white strobe light on the top of the shaft. The blink of a strobe disappears too fast for the eye to follow it well, but combined with the flag it's better, and it gives a 360 degree flash. I asked a more experienced recumbent rider if his flag slowed him down. He said he did not know, but maybe, and for sure he felt slower with the flag.

notes on bike safety equipment other than helmets, including gloves, mouthguards, flags, lights, horns and more.


The most-used bicycle safety equipment aside from helmets is probably the glove. Gloves protect the skin on the palms of your hands when you fall on pavement. Some are padded to protect the hands from compression stress from the handlebars on long rides. They keep your hands warm in winter. When you ride through a patch of glass they let you stop and wipe the glass bits from your tires before the glass penetrates the tread fully. (Don't try this while still moving!) Gloves are highly recommended. We like the washable ones for summer use. For winter we find that the ones with non-breathable membranes get wet on every ride, and have to be dried out thoroughly before another use or they turn rancid inside. Down mittens are the warmest thing we have found for winter, but they also get wet.


Many contact sports use mouthguards to protect the participants. That includes boxing, football and many others. There is evidence that blows to the chin do a lot more than mess up your teeth. Energy transmitted by the jaw joint can be channeled straight to the brain, producing the same effects seen in fighters when they are hit too hard. A good mouthguard or jaw-joint protector stabilizes the jaw by engaging both the upper and lower teeth. That can be expensive, or just a few bucks from a sporting goods store for a "boil and bite" that conforms to your teeth after heating briefly in boiling water. Most riders find a mouthguard confining because it can interfere with mouth breathing, spitting and shouting at dogs, cars and pedestrians. There are designs that have central vents to minimize those problems.

Full Body Armor

We have yet to see any full body armor for cyclists that would provide real impact energy management. The armor on the market is mostly designed to spread the effect of hitting something sharp. Nothing out there that we know of will really protect against broken collarbones, for example. Armor is confining and hot in warm weather. We think that parents looking to prevent an active boy from harming himself can do more with education than outfitting the kid with body armor!

We have received a tip from an "extreme freeriding" rider that armor has improved and that some riders credit it with preventing injuries in that sport. His advice:

Shin/knee armor does provided impact protection for high speed collisions. Additionally, body armor can save someone from broken ribs or vertebrae. Those who have fallen on their backs while wearing body armor and jumping over rocks or concrete stairs can attest to this... For most children this sort of gear is totally unnecessary, but for those select children who take interest in extreme riding, parents need an established source to consult for safety advice.


Low profile recumbents and others who are concerned about being out of sight in traffic often use a bike flag. Long distance tourists favor them for increased visibility on highways. They are readily available at big box retail stores as well as bike stores, usually in orange or white for high visibility. Do they drag? Some. Do you care? Maybe.

Active Lights

There is no substitute for active lights if you ride a bicycle after dark. No reflective device or material can achieve the visibility that electric lights can achieve. We use the largest headlights we can, plus the typical blinking rear lights that identify a bicycle as a bicycle, and always have some redundancy to accommodate the notorious unreliability of bike lights. Here is a page on the bike lights used by a member of our staff. Active lights unfortunately require active maintenance, but we think no rider should be without them at night. MH4>Horns We don't find that horns do much for safety on a bicycle. Your voice is faster to react and adapts better to different situations. The primal scream produces good adrenalin-based reactions in motorists and is probably your best defense in most bike/car situations. It requires no evaluation by the driver, since the panic in your voice is obvious, and it can move a car over a lane almost instantly. Curse words will not improve on that, by the way, since you will get a quicker reaction when the motorist is scared, not angry.

Reflective Materials

We use a lot of reflective tape on bicycles and helmets. But we recognize its limits: there is nothing to reflect back to a car until the car's headlights are shining on the tape. At that point it may be too late. And there is no scientific evidence that reflective material actually helps to either identify the bicycle, pinpoint its location for the motorist, or grab the driver's attention any sooner. Still, we would not be without it, since it does not rely on maintenance or reliability of the bicycle's lights. We often see cyclists at night because of the CPSC-mandated reflectors on their bikes even if they do not have lights.

Toe clips, clipless pedals and cleats

Under some conditions the rider cannot have their feet clipped to the pedals, but usually you can, and doing it helps to eliminate the crashes that result when a foot slips off the pedal at the wrong time. Whatever system you use must be adjusted properly and maintained well, or you will fall over some day because you are unable to get your foot out fast enough.


Bike tires are not all equal in adhesion to the road, particularly when conditions are rainy or icy. Tread may not be the answer, and a softer rubber compound may be more important. We don't know enough to advise you on brands or models, but you should be aware that tires can make a difference. You can identify the softer tread compounds by feel, or by asking a knowledgable bike shop employee. You want a tread that feels like pencil eraser rubber when the eraser is fresh.

More wheels

A staffer here has not broken a collarbone since he bought a four wheel bike to ride when conditions are wet or icy. Here is a page on four wheel bike and tricycle sources.

Your brain

The most important safety equipment on any bike is the brain of the rider. You can avoid more injuries by riding safely than equipment can possibly protect you against. Give it some thought, and make a conscious choice on the level of safety you want to pursue in your every day riding. Maybe you don't care that much if you are injured - - but maybe you do. Thinking about it in advance can give you behavioral guidelines for those occasions when some wild emotion or being late for something makes you want to throw caution to the winds! If you are an extreme freerider, you have already made your choice to pursue a dangerous experience. In that case, you will probably want to evaluate some extreme protection to go with your choice.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How To To Do A Workplace Safety Inspection : Seo Safety

Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their employees, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. A 2010 study published by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago reports that eight of 10 workers in the U.S. rank workplace safety first above other labor issues. Conducting regular safety inspections helps to keep the workplace free of hazards.

Step 1
Check for safety hazards, including unsafe work practices or potentially harmful workplace conditions. A hazard cannot be controlled until it is identified. Inspect each work area in a methodical and thorough manner. Workplace inspections should be conducted on a routine basis, whether twice each year, quarterly or more frequently.

Step 2
Take note of what types of equipment or machinery are used in a work area. Observe and document whether the machinery and equipment are properly operated and maintained. Review the manufacturers' safety manuals.

Step 3
Document potential physical hazards caused by noise, temperature, radiation, electricity, weather or pressure. Describe the hazard at length. Take photos or draw sketches, if necessary.

Step 4
Assess the nature of a hazard carefully, weighing the probability that harm could occur to employees exposed to it. Outline the possible consequences should an incident occur. Indicate whether a hazard requires immediate action, temporary action or permanent action.

Step 5
Examine the company's past accident and incident reports to find out how many employees were injured or became ill after working in a certain area.

Step 6
Check for chemical hazards, involving fumes, liquids, solids, gas, vapors and dust. Verify that all workers handling chemicals have received special training. Check to see that the labels on chemicals include information about storage, handling and waste disposal. Make sure employees wear the appropriate safety gear when exposed to hazardous substances.

Step 7
Inspect for biological hazards triggered by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Examine equipment and policies for routine maintenance and repair. Make inquiries about the company's policies for waste disposal and spill clean up. Ensure that workers eat only in regulated areas away from hazardous work areas, and that they are provided lockers for changing between work and street clothes. Question employees about hand-washing procedures that can reduce the spread of infectious organisms.

Step 8
Evaluate ergonomic hazards. Take note of improper work methods or improperly designed workstations. Awkward postures, temperature extremes, repetitive and forceful movements, and poorly designed tools and equipment can put excessive physiological and psychological stress on a worker.

Step 9
Write a report identifying any corrective actions the company must take to minimize or eliminate potential risks. Recommend the actions to be taken by indicating a date by which the problems must be corrected.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kindle Fire Ipad Safety

1. Keep encrypting. Encrypting data involves two parts, encrypting the stored data and encrypting the data which is transferred over networks. Data transferring over networks can be encrypted easily through SSL encryption on the iPad while with the stored data you must be able to encrypt it and also delete it remotely.

2. Central management. With iOS 4, it is possible to manage the iPad centrally. Setting security policies, creating own app catalogs, locking down and wiping lost/stolen iPads by companies is now possible with the iPad. With the increasing business capabilities of the iOS, the iPad is a serious player in the Enterprise. 3. Differentiate company and personal data. Sometimes it is essential for some companies such as those in the medical or financial sectors to keep their sensitive corporate information isolated from personal data of the employee. There is a possibility where employees carry two devices around, one for work the other for personal use. Luckily, in the iPad there is the possibility of isolating company information from the personal information on the same device. At the end of work, the company data can be deleted selectively thus allowing employees to use their iPad for personal use while the company keeps regulators happy.

4. E-mails can be routed through company servers. The iPad has the capability to synchronise with both personal e-mails as well as corporate email systems. To help with archiving and compliance on the email server you should make sure that the corporate emails are first routed through the company’s server. 5. Better authorization and authentication. On desktops and laptops, companies have issued a two stage authorization system with the use of on-time passcodes, smart card readers and digital certificates. Though, on a mobile device it only involves a user name and a password. However, newer two step security measures have been incorporated on the iPad. These include confirmation messages which are sent to a separate cell phone, VeriSign devices and one-time passwords.

The confirmation message system is a rather interesting system since even if your iPad gets lost or stolen; anybody who wants to access data will also need to have the mobile on which confirmation messages are sent. Of course, don’t lose both your iPad and your mobile because this could get you into trouble!

Machine Drill

There are two types of machine drill, the bench drill and the pillar drill. The bench drill is used for drilling holes through materials including a range of woods, plastics and metals. It is normally bolted to a bench so that it cannot be pushed over and that larger pieces of material can be drilled safely. The larger version of the machine drill is called the pillar drill. This has a long column which stands on the floor. This can do exactly the same work as the bench drill but because of its larger size it is capable of being used to drill larger pieces of materials and produce larger holes.

SAFETY 1. Always use the guard.

2. Wear goggles when drilling materials.
3. Clamp the materials down or use a machine vice.
4. Never hold materials by hand while drilling.
5. Always allow the ‘chippings’ to clear the drill by drilling a small amount at a time.
6. Follow all teacher instructions carefully.

1. Draw a bench drill and label the most important parts.
2. List safety factors regarding the use of the drilling machines.
3. Demonstrate the use of the bench/pillar drill to a group of pupils, emphasising safety.

Safety 1st : The Fret Saw

The fretsaw is a general workshop machine. It is used to cut and shape light materials such as perspex, MDF and plywood. Fretsaws are made by different companies and they range in price depending on the quality of machine. The most expensive and probably the best are manufactured by the German company ‘Hegner’. These can be used to cut very detailed shapes and they are supplied with different types of blade according to the material that is to be cut.

Cheaper fretsaws are still very useful and they can cut a range of materials. The materials cut more easily if they are quite thin, for instance, any material thicker than 10mm would be difficult to shape. The general rule is that the thicker the material, the slower the machine operator pushes the work against the blade.

Although fretsaws are common machines they are still dangerous if the operator is careless and if he/she does not keep in mind safe working practices. It is important to use the guard is this is the first line of defence if a blade breaks. Goggles should also be worn for eye protection. The operator should know where the ‘on’ the ‘off’ buttons are and be able to use them. The material should be fed into the blade slowly and it needs to be gently held down on the table of the machine as this will prevent it from vibrating. The fretsaw should not be turned off whilst the blade is cutting the material especially if the material is then moved - this could twist the blade and it could be broken or damaged the next time the fretsaw is turned on.

The fretsaw blade can be seen to the right. The blade is always set up in the fretsaw with the teeth pointing downwards. If the blade is set up the wrong way round, with the teeth pointing upwards - when the fretsaw is turned on the material will lift from the table and the blade may shatter.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Safety First : New Safety Technology

Volvo has been well renowned over the years for the safety of its vehicles and its development and research into its technologies. They were the innovators behind the three point seatbelt which they introduced in 1959, which is now standard across the vast majority of vehicles on the planet.

A more recent development from the Swedish car maker has been in the development of pedestrian airbags. The new Volvo V40 features seven sensors that when activated deploy airbags across the windshield to prevent a struck pedestrian from suffering head trauma.

Volvo are now taking it upon themselves to continue the innovation in areas such as autonomous driving support, intersection support and animal detection. Their aim is to eliminate deaths or serious injuries in Volvo cars by 2020.

Volvo’s autonomous driving support system will be able react in the event of an emergency and automatically adjust the car’s engine, brakes and steering. The system is designed to avoid collisions before they occur and to also help keep the car in the correct lane should the worst happen.

Intersection support will also use an array of vehicle sensors that are able to read the current road and traffic conditions. The system will apply the brakes if it deems that a collision at a junction or intersection is about to happen.

Volvo’s animal detection system is another technology Volvo will be looking to introduce into its fleet. In Sweden, accidents with animals typically occur at cruising speeds of 60mph, with impact speed being the determining factor in the damage and injuries sustained. The system will be able to detect animals from a distance of up to 30 metres away and apply the brakes automatically. Volvo hope that the system will be able to wipe off enough speed to help ensure that a collision does not incur any serious injuries.

With the current “compensation culture” in the UK, any technology that helps lifts the burden on insurers and motorists alike will be a welcome. Claims for Car accident compensation has resulted in premiums soaring the UK.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Daily Safety : Working At Height

Head for Heights?

Working at height describes work undertaken "off the ground". Commonly, it involves the use of scaffolds, ladders, hoists, gantries or general roof work.

Are You Safe?

Work on a roof is particularly dangerous. The level of controls will depend on whether the roof has edge protection or not, allied to the plant or roof lights that may be on it. A useful control measure is to ask contractors for a method statement covering the following - access and egress procedures, fall prevention, supervision levels and work equipment that may be used. Access to the roof must be restricted so doors leading to it must be kept locked and additional controls such as a Permit to Work may be appropriate. For unguarded roofs a safety barrier away from the edge should be used to identify the work areas and safe access routes. Walkways across the roof should have a barrier each side. Where plant or equipment is within 2 metres of an unprotected edge a barrier must be erected to prevent falls. Roofs constructed of fragile materials must be accessed only by use of roof ladders or crawling boards coupled with a fall arrest device.

Roof lights are a particular hazard, as they are not load bearing. These should be clearly marked or painted and be protected by barriers where possible.

Netting, sheeting or fans should be used to protect pedestrians from falling debris. It may also in certain circumstances be necessary to fence around the working area at ground level. Debris must never be thrown from height. Chutes or baskets must be used.

Other equipment used at height includes the use of scaffolds and ladders. Scaffolds may be fixed, tower or mobile.

Fixed scaffolds should be erected and inspected by a competent person and be secured to a permanent structure. They must be based on solid ground with working platforms wide enough to allow safe working. The platform must be capable of withstanding the loads put upon it. Guard rails and toe boards must be provided.

Tower and mobile scaffolds must in addition be erected with regard to the base to height ratio to ensure stability. Wheels and outriggers must be locked before use and the scaffold must not be moved with persons on board. The safe working loads marked on the base must never be exceeded.

Ladders may be fixed or freestanding. Ladders must be considered a second best option. Alternatives such as tower or mobile platforms provide a safer access. Fixed ladders must incorporate a landing no more than 6 metres apart and back hoops must be fitted more than 2.5 metres high. Ladders must be fitted with boarding or a device to prevent unauthorised access. Where the ladder provides access to an unprotected roof there must be barriers of at least two metres each side at roof level. Ladders must be checked before use looking for solid rungs and straight sides. Wooden ladders must never be painted. Boarding or cones must protect ladder feet. Any extensions must overlap by at least 3 rungs. Ladders must be secured by the use of eyebolts and hooks or by another person stabling/ footing the ladder if less than 5 metres in height. Always use the 1 in 4 rule i.e. 1 foot out for every 4 up and never work higher than one metre from the top rung.

Elevating platforms must never be left unattended when in use. Work must be undertaken from within the platform only and the platform must never be moved with people on board. Warning signage, cones or safety barriers must be placed around its base.

Window cleaners and building maintenance teams use access cradles. They are potentially dangerous and there must be a safe means of getting in and out of them. Operatives within must be harnessed at all times and if working over pedestrian routes tools must be secured by lanyards. There must be a means of communication between the cradle and the operators by mobile phone or a similar device.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Computerize Identification For Oil and Gas Processing Plant

Current Bottlenecks of Oil and Gas Processing Companies

   For oil and gas companies, maintaining an operational integrity of the equipment and systems depends on the quality of monitoring, inspection and maintenance of the equipment (among others). But to date, efficiency of monitoring efforts is questionable as it requires considerable financial and human resources.
   Usually, during monitoring and inspection rounds the specialists first write down the monitored and measured parameters on the paper. Then, back at the workdesk, they again rewrite the collected information to the operational logs, or key it into the computer (usually in Excel table, less often into the MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) programs.
   Such a “traditional” data collection procedure implies high degree of human error – there is no guarantee that the reporting specialist really completed the inspection and correctly noted the data. This means that reliability and accuracy of the received information, and, consequently, the operation of the facility, could be questioned.
   During the scheduled search for the best location for each facility according to given information, the personnel is forced to continually go back and forth, from the archive to the computer to check the database, as no-one can possibly keep the information about all monitored equipment in the head. Time wasted on moving and search for the necessary data takes at least 20 percent of the employees’ time (according to foreign estimates). That is, non-production costs are about six resource days per month or 70 resource days annually – this is a large figure, and the one that should attract attention of the management engaged in efficiency enhancement routines.
   This means that practically any facility of oil and gas processing industry is facing the tasks of reducing the impact of human factor on the quality of monitoring and maintenance, and improving the operating efficiency of personnel.

Boosting the performance gains

   Significant reduction of the resources used to maintain the normal functionality of equipment and engineering systems could be achieved by improving the following processes:
Timely information to staff and management on the status of equipment, any critical situations and, consequently, prevention of accidents, malfunctions and their prompt removal as required.
Monitoring operators’ activities by reducing the possibility of the following risks:
–    information loss (for example, loss of paper scratch-pad or the lack of a uniform standard for recording the monitored and measured parameters);
–    poor quality of work (i.e., careless writing in the scratch-pad);
–    failure to perform the routine maintenance (due to lack of formal means of maintenance monitoring).
Easy access to operational information and documentation.

The modern answer: computerized Identification and Information Mobility

   NEOLANT promptly responded to these market needs, unrolling its flagship information system based on the technology of automated identification and standing on the “three pillars”: 
barcode or radio frequency tagging of the monitored objects;
portable data terminals for the automated tag recognition, obtaining and entering real-time the information on the monitored equipment and subsequent information transfer to specialized information systems;
software for consolidating and processing the data, including data visualization tools (e.g., 3D models and geographic information systems).
The system provides ultimate control over the actions of operating personnel, the constant accumulation of relevant information about the equipment status, real-time expert access to all operational data independently of location.

Barcodes or RFID?

   Let’s consider the functioning of automated identification technology in detail.
Barcode tags (Fig. 1) are graphically encoded IDs of equipment. Special production and application method leads to the following results:
elimination of duplication;
virtually unlimited shelf life;
can be applied to almost any surface;
tags remain intact in the harshest operating environments.
In the application of radio frequency identification (RFID) data stored in the so-called RFID-tags are read and written by radio signals. This technology can do more complex tasks than barcoding; RFID-tags are more resistant to mechanical stress and pollution, and can be picked off by a scanner from a larger distance. Tags come in various forms: some contain only information stored by the manufacturer, others allow the customer to re-write data. However, the RFID system can be affected by electromagnetic fields.
The choice between the barcoding and RFID depends on the operating conditions at the customer’s plant - either technology has plus and minus points, and they complement each other well.
To read barcodes and RFID tags, portable data terminals (Fig. 2) are used. The device, a combination of handheld computer and scanner, guarantees the identification of the units, allows entering the current values of monitored parameters and storage of large amounts of information. The data terminals are equipped with touch screen, run NEOLANT-provided OS and have significant battery life (8-10 hours).

How Does the System Operate?

   Routine rounds, inspections, planned maintenance of equipment with automated identification (Fig. 3) can be divided into several stages:
Before starting the inspection the specialist identifies himself in the data terminal by user name and password. Without this procedure, the terminal will be unable to scan the bar codes, and hence data entry would be impossible. 
The terminal remembers the date and time of inspection.
The expert reads and decrypts the bar code tags with the terminal, which defines the class of a unit or component and identifies the specific tag.
After that the terminal offers to enter the current values of monitored equipment parameters, stores the values and provides access to expert information on past changes.
After the round the employee puts the terminal back in docking station attached to a PC. With the help of NEOLANT specialized software the data gets automatically transferred into the information system for analysis and processing. 
Further information can be printed or presented in any format: graphically, on technologic charts, in tables, reports, on the electronic map (GIS system) or on 3D model of the company, created by NEOLANT team.
Modern tag manufacturing technologies labels guarantee certain properties – i.e., the tags are impossible to remove or change without breaking. To scan the barcode, the employee must be near the monitored unit, and data entry option is available only after scanning is complete. This excludes the possibility of fake reports records and guarantees completion of routine maintenance rounds. Also, employee identification in the system and stored date and time of the inspection round ensure personal responsibility of operating personnel.

Information at Your Fingertips

   Another key advantage of automated identification technology is that mobile terminals significantly reduce time while adding up to the comfort of a planned maintenance. They allow storage and retrieval of information about the current state of company’s units, also giving the history of changes for monitored parameters and other data required by operators, up to route maps, guides and unit images.
All operating data and documentation collected in one device and available for reading at any location within the company on both HQ locations and in the field using secure Internet communication links. This means that personnel of operating units and services belongs to a single information space, to receives real-time information, updates it during the inspections, planned maintenance work, and does not waste time on unneeded movements within the company.

Monitoring Implies Visual Control

   A single information space created in NEOLANT system is supplemented by data visualization software - geographic information systems (GIS) and informational 3D models. The latter represent a 3D models of company facilities linked to relevant operational information and documentation; such models provide visual expert access to the data (by selecting objects on a 3D model). Visualization also helps business leaders to perceive information conveniently and clearly, for real-time troubleshooting and for reducing the risks associated with the human factor. 
3D model can reflect in a variety of data required by the manager or a technologist for the analysis of energy facilities and systems, such as:
the system uses color coding to indicate non-performance of a routine maintenance by the operating personnel, etc.;
the system visualizes the state of the facility, using color coding for highlighting segments of the model (Fig. 4), etc.
Usage of GIS systems to display information is advisable if the manager needs a comprehensive understanding of the status of equipment on large territories, or in geographical context.

The Problem Solved

   Automated identification technology helps to: 
prevent accidents and failures while ensuring timely repairs due to visualization of objects’ state in the information system and emergency alarm;
avoid loss of information due to data collection in electronic form directly at the location;
monitor the implementation of routine maintenance – tags are impossible to remove or change without breaking; also, there is visual alarm encoded into the 3D models;
ensure the quality of work through personal responsibility of each employee for their work of action and instant data transfer to the mangers via the 3D model;
provide convenient access to operational information through organization of operational data acquisition anywhere within the enterprise via mobile gadgets, organization and storage of operational data electronically in a single information system, and rendering with the use of 3D models or GIS systems.
NEOLANT proposes a complete cycle of works on creation of an automated identification system, from development of technical specifications, and to determine the optimal tag technology, customization, implementation, personnel training, tagging, equipment supply, creating 3D models, GIS networks, etc. Because each enterprise is unique, the company’s specialists develop, implement and adapt their solutions based on the specific situation.
Using the technology of automated identification, NEOLANT customers get a solution to the complex challenges they face – reducing the impact of human factor on the quality of monitoring and maintenance within the enterprises while improving the operating efficiency of personnel.

Work Place Heat Hazard

Hot environments in a wide range of industries present serious hazards to employee safety and health.  Heat stress, the combination of  heat, humidity and physical labor, can lead to serious illness and even death.

Long exposure to extreme heat or too much activity under a hot sun causes excessive perspiration, which can lead to heat exhaustion.  Symptoms include headache and a feeling of weakness and dizziness accompanied by nausea and vomiting, there may also be cramps.

In heat exhaustion there is excessive perspiration.  By contrast, in heat stroke, there is an absence of perspiration; an extremely high body temperature; hot, dry skin; confusion; and loss of consciousness and/or convulsions.  An extremely high body temperature can cause death.

Treatment for heat exhaustion includes:
  • Move the person to a cool environment (i.e. a well-ventilated or shaded area).
  • Remove or loosen their clothing.
  • Increase the consumption of fluids.  (Do not force an unconscious person to drink.)
For heat stroke or if the person is unconscious:
  • Reduce the body’s temperature as rapidly as possible via a cool water or sponge bath; fan the body surface.
  • Contact a physician immediately.

Case Study:  Restaurant Industry

In July of 2006, MIOSHA received an employee complaint regarding heat stress in a restaurant.  The complaint alleged that employees were working in 95-degree temperatures, they felt dehydrated, the temperature may have affected an employee’s breathing, an employee was sent to the emergency room for heat exhaustion, and the conditions were unworkable.

Investigation Background

While there are no MIOSHA regulations requiring temperatures to be kept under a certain degree, Section 11(a) of Act 154 (the General Duty Clause) requires the employer to furnish to each employee, employment and a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are causing, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm to the employee.

Work operations involving high air temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, and strenuous physical work activities have a high potential for inducing heat stress in employees engaged in such operations.  The work operations identified in this investigation involved employees cooking at a grill in the kitchen, chefs cooking in the dining room, and workers dishwashing in the kitchen of a restaurant.  Employees had developed and experienced heat-induced disorders such as heat exhaustion, fainting and heat fatigue, for approximately two weeks prior to the investigation.

Investigation Measurements

During the investigation wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) measurements were obtained.  WBGT offers a useful, first-order index of the environmental contribution to heat stress; it is influenced by air temperature, radiant heat and humidity, but does not account for all the interactions between an employee and the environment.

During the investigation the WBGT measurements indicated employees were exposed to readings ranging from 77.9 to 96.3 °F on July 28, 2006, and from 82.4 to 93.2 °F on August 2, 2006.  It was noted there were outdoor record high temperature of 96 °F on
July 31, 2006, and 97 °F on August 1, 2006.

Heat Stress Violations

The investigation of employee exposure to heat stress in this workplace resulted in a citation of the General Duty Clause being issued, based on known industry standards.

The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®) provides general controls to deal with heat stress from air temperature, as well as the interactions between employees and the environment.  The interactions below were investigated during the inspection.

Heat reduction – During the investigation it was noted that employees were exposed to radiant heat during the cooking process and were exposed to steam while dishwashing.  The employer had not provided shielding, the ventilation above the dishwasher designed for removal of steam was not functioning, and cooling garments and portable air chillers were not utilized.

An employer should shield employees from radiant heat sources, and reduce process heat and water-vapor release.  Cooling garments (vests, bandanas) can be worn to reduce the heat exposure to employees and portable air chillers can be used. 

Ventilation – During the investigation it was noted that air conditioning was provided in the dining room and office areas, but there was no air conditioning supplied to the kitchen area for cooking and dishwashing.  It was also noted that the air conditioning in the dining room was not functioning at the time of the inspection.  Circulating fans were used in the kitchen areas; however, it was not effective since air that exceeds 95 °F can increase the heat load on the body.

An employer should provide general air movement through use of supply and exhaust ventilation.

Administrative controls – During the investigation it was noted that breaks were not taken by employees according to the ACGIH®recommendations for frequency found in Table 2 of the Heat Stress section of the Threshold Limit Values (TLV)booklet.  Employees were not allowed sufficient recovery time for heat exposure.  Breaks that were taken by dishwashers and dining room chefs were taken outdoors in a hot environment, not in a cool area.

An employer should set acceptable exposure times to heat, should allow sufficient recovery for employees exposed to heat, and should limit physiological strain by reducing heavy activity.  As metabolic rate increases from work demand, an employee’s exposure to heat stress can result in an excessive heart rate and elevated body core temperature by not allowing for proper recovery from heat exposure for the body.

Training – During the investigation it was noted that employees were not trained on the signs of symptoms of heat stress and were not permitted to practice self limitation to exposure.

Employers should train employees and supervisors by providing accurate verbal and written instructions about heat stress, including self-determination of exposures.  Employees should be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat stress and should be encouraged to detect these signs in themselves and in coworkers.  Employees should also be permitted to practice self limitation of heat exposure based on these signs.

Heat stress hygiene practices – During the investigation it was noted that most employees did drink water, but were not monitored or encouraged to drink cool water every 20 minutes.  Additionally, aside from the clothing worn by dishwashers, employees were required to wear uniforms that through fabric and style (high collars, neckties, and chef’s hats) limited evaporation.

Employers should encourage fluid replacement and the use of proper clothing.  Employees should drink small volumes (approximately 1 cup) of cool liquid every 20 minutes.  Free movement of cool, dry air over the skin’s surface maximizes heat removal through evaporation of sweat from the skin; water-vapor-impermeable or thermally insulated clothing restricts heat removal.

Medical surveillance – The investigation revealed the employer did not screen employees to identify those employees more susceptible to heat.

Employers should allow pre-placement screening to identify those employees susceptible to systemic heat injury.  Employees who take medications that may compromise normal cardiovascular, blood pressure, body temperature regulation, renal or sweat gland functions; and those employees who abuse alcohol, may have an increased susceptibility to heat stress.  Employers can also encourage healthy life styles and ideal body weight.

Acclimatization – During the investigation it was noted the employees were acclimated to the heat exposure.

Acclimatization is a gradual physiological adaptation that improves an individual’s ability to tolerate heat stress.  Full-heat acclimatization requires up to three weeks of continued physical activity under heat-stress conditions similar to those anticipated for the work, with a loss occurring after four days.  Employers can develop a plan to expose employees to heat at gradually increasing rate over a five-day period. 

Company Abatement

The employer submitted the information below as actions taken to address the issue:

  • Air conditioning equipment in restaurant was repaired.
  • Cooling vests and cooling bandanas were purchased for employees.
  • Temperature monitoring control devices were purchased and place in the kitchen and dining room.
  • A temperature monitoring and tracking procedure was implemented.
  • Management attended a MIOSHA safety in the workplace seminar.
  • Signs were posted educating the staff about heat stress and how to recognize the symptoms in themselves and others.
  • Employees were given access to cool beverages.
  • Major renovations of the building which would include replacing HVAC equipment were planned.
CET Division Services

If you have any questions on heat stress, or need a workplace evaluation, please call the MIOSHA Consultation Education and Training (CET) Division at 517.322.1809. 
Additional information and handouts can be obtained from; and

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